Review of the CoPilot VL – 2nd generation video laryngoscope

The CoPilot VL®

CoPilot VL®

It has finally arrived. The next generation of video intubation tools is here, and I got my hands on one of the first.

1st generation video scopes

Five years ago the EMS world was introduced to the GlideScope. This mythological end all tool was only whispered about by most EMS providers due to the 15K price tag. What the GlideScope did was simply put a video camera on a laryngoscope and a separate view screen . The idea here was that in a difficult airway situation were getting a direct view of the anatomy was difficult or near impossible we had a camera to guide us. This was quite revolutionary and everyone wanted one.

Next came the competition. Some versions were a simple redesign at a lower price while others made modifications such as including the view screen on the handle of the scope. These first generation video scopes all have one thing in common, the actual process of intubating was the same as before.

  • Step 1: Position the head (remove c-collar if present)
  • Step 2: Insert laryngoscope.
  • Step 3: Lift straight up, careful to protect the teeth.
  • Step 4: Get a clear shot of cords
  • Step 5: Insert ETT or Bougie ETT combo and secure
    • There are inherent problems with this procedure that until now had to be accepted.

    • Manipulation of airway anatomy causing trauma and increased vagal tone
    • Manipulation of c-spine
    • Abnormal anatomy making even video scoping problematic.

    Next up, the CoPilot VL® (video laryngoscope)
    the first and only generation 2 video laryngoscope.

    Out of the Box

    CoPilot VL®
    The screen is about the size of an iPhone 4 (3.5 inches) and is encased in a shock absorbing plastic, much like a Otter Box. The entire unit seems very durable. The handle blade setup is designed for disposable blades. You slide on a blade, snap it back into place and the video screen turns on. There is a light at the bottom of the screen signaling battery life (green, yellow, red). Another look at the blades and you will see the general shape is different. The CoPilot VL® blades have a Bougie Port added on. The idea here is to slide the Bougie down through this port guided straight into view prior to passing into the cords. The CoPilot VL® also comes with there own Bougies. These are smaller and a little more pliable than the standard purple Bougie.
    CoPilot VL®
    For you old school medics who don’t buy into that new age Bougie stuff this unit comes with a next generation rigid stylet. This thing is freaking cool. The stylet is metal with a round tip on the distal end and a t-handle on the other. When intubating place your thumb on the underside of the t-handle. When you get to the cords and find your ETT is a little to low just slide your thumb up pulling the stylet out and the tip of the ETT curves up and into position. My companies QA will not like this much, they are all “Bougie every time”, but this is just to cool not to play with.

    After you are finished intubating there is a button on the handle of the scope that releases the blade into the bio bag. Grab slide another blade on and you are ready to go. No cleaning of this equipment unless it was a truly messed up call. So I guess there is no need for all those autoclaves in our stations, LOL.

    The other accessories include a power cord, IV pole clamp, and a handy bag. The unit will run for 2 hours before you need to plug it in. You could intubate every patient in a shift before you need to recharge. The IV clamp will probably end up in the EMS junk drawer. This was intended for hospital use.

    So why is this a 2nd generation?

    The CoPilot VL® was not a redesign of previous units but a redesign of the intubation process addressing the known issues.

  • You don’t have to worry so much about positioning. Any forward neutral position will work.
  • There is no need to remove the c-collar as long as you can get the scope in the mouth.
  • There is also no lifting the scope and stretching the anatomy. It makes sense that there would be much less increases in vagal tone.
  • The curvature of the blade on the CoPilot VL® is set perfectly. You simply drop the blade and you are looking right up at the cords. Slide your Bougie down the port, click click click and your in. It really is that simple.

    No matter how revolutionary and cool a new tool is there is one main factor that will be a deal breaker and that is price. Most of us working the ambulance have never seen a GlideScope in real life due to the $15,000 price tag. However the CoPilot VL® is nicely priced at $2999.00. The disposable blades will run you $10.00 each.

    No need to remove a C-Collar / no more manipulating anatomy


  • Easy to use
  • No lifting
  • Leave the c-collar on
  • Disposable blades
  • Built in Bougie Port
  • Multi function rigid stylet
  • Durable construction
  • Cons

  • Airway gunk obstructing camera view (maybe gen 3 will take care of this)
  • ….trying to think of another one but I can’t.

  • Does it make the manifest?

    Absolutely. This company carries the slogan “First time, every time”. I do believe it. You really have to use it only once to see just how easy it makes intubation. Even an EMT-Basic can do it. (LOL just kidding guys)

    First time, every time

    So were do I get the CoPilot VL®?

    Learn more about the CoPilot VL for EMS at

    About the author

    Jason Rice

    NREMT-P CCEMT-P working ground and fixed wing for Pafford EMS in Louisiana. I also program desktop and mobile apps for the EMS community.